About Me

My name is Josh. I am a land surveyor by day and beer drinker by night. I enjoy sports, craft beer and grilling large amounts of meat. In the past year or so I have started traveling around the great state of Virginia with my friends to find great craft beer and delicious food. So I decided to write about where I go and what I eat and drink. I am by no means a critic and definitely not a know-it-all when comes to beer or food. If I don't like something, I'm not going say anything. Just because I might not like something, doesn't mean you won't. I just want to share all the greatness that is out there and pass that information on to you so you can go out and experience it for yourselves. If there is any restaurant, brewery or event that you want me to check out let me know by hitting me up on twitter, facebook or . Until then Drink Up and Eat Well!!
